From 1972 until 2010, the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies organized the biennial European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research.
Cybernetics—the study of communication and control in
the animal and the machine
(N. Wiener)—has recently
returned to the forefront, not only in cyberspace and
cyberpunk, but, even more important, contributing to the
corroboration of various scientific theories. Additionally,
an ever increasing number of research areas, including
social and economic theories, theoretical biology, ecology,
computer science, and robotics draw on ideas from second
order cybernetics. Artificial intelligence, evolved directly
from cybernetics, has not only technological and economic,
but also important social impacts. With a marked trend
towards interdisciplinary cooperation and global
perspectives, this important role of cybernetics is expected
to be further strengthened over the next years.
Since 1972, the biennial European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR) have served as a forum for discussion of converging ideas and new aspects of different scientific disciplines. A number of sessions provided wide coverage of the rapid developments, complemented with daily plenary meetings, where eminent speakers presented latest research results.
Information on the past European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research can be found on the EMCSR website.
The following is a partial list of previous meetings organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies in cooperation with the International Federation for Systems Research: